Understanding the Basics of Decentralized Commerce Platforms

What is Decentralized Commerce?

I know Commerce and I know you know Commerce, I know decentralized, so what’s the opposite of Decentralized Commerce? Centralized Commerce, Centralized Commerce would be Amazon, Facebook pay-per click with with Google TikTok, TikTock shop companies that are 100, 200, 500, half a trillion in market cap where they’re squeezing out their vendors they’re squeezing out the ability for the business owner make money, they’re squeezing out the influencer, they’re squeezing out the team Builder or cutting out a team builder’s actual Compensation Plan and sending them packing so they can adapt to newer models and we said all right let’s create a marketplace where all five of these groups can live.


So you’re here tonight you’re more than likely one of these three over here at a very high level, this campaign is to high level Team Builders high level Business Development people, high level social media influencers. You may or may not also have a digital product or physical product but we’re not actually out there bringing on vendors yet in the dialogue so this is the too early conversation you can’t even enroll into anything for another seven days and that’s an early free invite pre-registration system and then it’s August 8th before you can actually tangibly enroll with with with cost and be a part of this locked in so let’s talk about this from a very high level understanding that this conversation again is for this side of the platform who operate already as very successful humans and that’s the context of today’s conversation.


  • We’re all about the world of the mom and pop stores, the Main Street stores in whatever country that you live in, they need our help, they need our help launching their own Affiliate Network where they get to set the rules of the margins and the rules of the commissions and what the products are that they offer, they need our help defining their customer acquisition cost, they need our help reducing that so that they can maintain themselves in business as a company.


  • Thousands of vendors and tens of thousands of products in one day tens of thousands of vendors and hundreds of thousands if not millions of products as we grow this scale and build it. So if I’m an influencer I can wake up today and find the category that makes the most sense to me: jewelry supplements, skin care whatever, whatever I’m into. More importantly what I’m into is my audience, what is my audience into because that’s who I’ve got my influence with and then I’m going to look for maybe the most incentive or the most intelligent incentive.


  • Shoply affiliate can join for free. They pay $9 bucks a month, they get unlimited offers they can pick from and they’re picking up 100% of the direct bonus.
  • Somebody could be an influencer for $499 or an Influencer Pro for $799 the difference is there will be tied to different rewards models.